Welcome good hunter, to Shinshoku.net, otherwise known as The Destructive Fates Network. This is just another domain collective out there in the vast internet universe, serving as my main website collective, where I lists all of my sites. Under each section, you can find my shrines, future projects, domain information, and fanlistings. When you're ready to leave, feel free to look through the other collectives linked. And if you have any feedback, please sign my guestbook.
You are looking at Shinshoku's 23rd Version, featuring various concept art from Bloodborne. This layout was made as a part of the Video Game Layout Marathon.
The red moon hangs low, and beasts rule the streets. Are we left no other choice, than to burn it all to cinders?a note in Old Yharnam
about this domain
Shinshoku.net was the second domain I ever bought, originally way back on April 5th, 2003—my first domain was zanzou.net, but I never really count that because
the single year I owned it, I never did much with it. After zanzou.net expired I got shinshoku.net, and ever since it's been my home. The name comes from a L'Arc~en~Ciel song
title and translates to "Erosion," hence my not so creative decision to name my network The Erosion Network. I named my network after I first got the domain,
with not too much thought behind it.
Over the years, I really wanted to rename my network name, but it became a hassle to rename it everywhere I mentioned the old name, and I never formally got around to making the switch. I've had the name The Destructive Fates Network set for some years, and only recently started slowly migrating all my sites to use it.
I originally registered this domain on Go Daddy, later transferred to NameCheap, and is currently residing at Porkbun, as are the rest of my active domains. Besides zanzou.net, the other domains I've owned in the past, but let expire are ryuutarou.net, haptism.org, and sunspear.org. My sites are hosted at Teacake Hosting, which is a small service run by myself.
About the layout
This layout features artwork from the Bloodbonre artbook and was made for the Video Game Layout Marathon. Bloodborne is one of my favorite games ever, and its amazingly dark and mysterious vibe is a wonderful aesthetic, allbeit a slightly hard to read kind in the form of this layout. Scattered throughout the sections are concept art of the various characters, weapons, and equipable armor sets from the artbook. The layout doesn't have enough space to properly showcase the art of the games, but if you ever get the chance to play it (it's a PS4 exclusive), I highly recommend it.

The beginning of the game is especially brutal—Bloodborne is made by the company behind the Dark Souls series, if that gives you an idea of the difficulty level—but once you make some progress, it can be very rewarding. There's a lot of details and symbolism to appreciate, and the lore of the story is fascinating.
Due to the limited nature of the concept art, I decided to make this layout less graphic and more text heavy, in particular, quotes from the game itself. Most of the quotes are from various notes scattered across the world of Bloodborne.
The layout primarily features artwork of Cathedral Ward with Moon Presence superimposed. Resources used are textures from accio-glow, brushes from genesbuffet (formerly on deviantart) and Design Cuts. Fonts used are FLORVA, Libre Baskerville, Libre Caslon Text, and DM Serif Display.
Previous layouts
I don't usually screencap my layouts, but I made sure to do this for my main collective. These are all of my past layouts for Shinshoku.net, since its inception, minus the coming soon pages. Safe to say, I have improved my design skills, but I could still do with even more improvement. This is mostly a self-serving archive for memory. Over thirteen years' worth of embarrassment, yay!
Curse the fiends, their children too... Their children, forever true.unknown voice, upon triggering The Old Hunters DLC
network projects
Below is a list of all my web projects, from the big major shrines, to the small single-page dedications, as well as miscellaneous other sites. The more recently updated one are listed at the top. Unfortunately, besides the single page shrines, most of these are not completed projects. I guess there's always work to be done, and my shrines especially so.

Upcoming sites
I still have a lot of projects planned, at various stages of work in progress, and unfortunately, I'm just not very consistent with them. There really isn't any point teasing what may or may not ever come to pass. So no more listing them, but for some hints, check my listography.

To escape this dreadful Hunter's Dream, halt the source of the spreading scourge of beasts, lest the night carry on forever.a note in the Hunter's Dream, behind the Memory Altar
Ready to leave? Below are my admired, link exchanges, and affiliates. These are all similarly fan site focused collectives. Affiliation is open to friends only at the moment. If you would like to link exchange with me, feel free to drop me an email.

links out
links in

Pretty sure no one really uses buttons anymore, but I still love making and feature them, so here's dump of most of my old buttons at various sizes (mostly the standard 200x4, 88x31, and a few 100x35). If you would like to use any of them to link me back, please feel free (and I often enjoy seeing which people select), but please do not direct link the images; uploade them to your own space.
Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.Plain Doll, upon leaving her